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How to judge creative work

how should you judge creative work

So, your agency/designer/copywriter just presented you with some new creative work.

You’re feeling a little uncomfortable. It’s sort of interesting, but you don’t really like it. Not least because it’s very different from what you’re used to. While you dislike giving negative feedback, you can’t see any easy alternative.

Stop and think – it isn’t about you!

It isn’t about you and whether or not you like it. It’s about the target audience and whether it works.

So, put aside your personal preferences and ask yourself some questions.

  • Does it meet the brief? (You did agree a brief, didn’t you?)
  • Will it grab attention? (Get noticed or get lost, as we like to say.)
  • Does it make your business stand out from the competition? (Sameness is commercial suicide.)
  • Does it engage your emotions? (Emotional appeal – usually subconsciously – motivates action.)
  • Is the proposition clear and single minded? (A confused mind always says no.)

If you can answer yes to these questions, you may well be onto a winner, assuming the work is also well written and well designed.

Apply the MAYA principle

Renowned industrial designer Raymond Loewy coined the term Most Advanced Yet Acceptable.

He said the most effective designs were those that were as advanced as possible, but didn’t go too far beyond what the audience regards as the norm. In other words push the boundary of what’s familiar and comfortable. But not too far.

Loewy’s plethora of successful creative work included logos for Shell, Exxon, and BP, the Greyhound Scenicruiser bus, Coca-Cola vending machines and the livery for Air Force One. Definitely someone worth listening to.

Trust the professionals

Still not sure?

You should be guided by the judgement and experience of the people who created it – assuming they’ve proved their worth on other projects.

The surest way to guarantee great creative work is to hire great people in the first place.

Talk to use about how we can give you the quality of creative work that your business deserves.

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